Chakra Set w/Higher Heart & Pouch Polished and Natural Stones

Article number: VROCK-Chakra Set
Availability: In stock (13)

Chakra Set w/Higher Heart & Pouch Polished and Natural Stones

Crystals and Stones are all hand picked.

Keep in mind each stone is unique and will vary from the picture.  

Silk Pouch included

Root: Mookite: Stabilizing, Fortifies Immune System, Grounding
Sacral: Aventurine: Prosperity, Creativity
Solar Plexus: Citrine; Energizer, Connection to All, Motivator
Heart:Moss Agate: Self Expression, Releases Deep Fear, Intuition
Higher Heart: Rose Quartz: Self Love
Throat: Sodalite: Communication, Meditation
Third Eye: Amethyst: Master Healer, Opener
Crown: Fluorite: Protective Stone for Psychic, Stabilze Aura

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